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Chaos Escape Rooms
Krusəb(ə)l Extreme Haunt
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Haunted House
Chaos Escape Rooms
Krusəb(ə)l Extreme Haunt
Escape Room Waiver
Luke Heinecke
Liability Release Form
Between Castle of Chaos, further referred to as “Castle”, A Utah Limited Liability Company, Located at 7980 S State Street Midvale, UT 84047 and
Effective Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
The undersigned agrees and does hereby release from all liability and hold harmless Castle and any of its employees representing or related to the Castle. This liability release is for any and all liability for personal injuries including death and property losses or damage in connection with any activity or accommodation of the above mentioned Business. The undersigned does hereby further agree to abide by all the rules and regulations that are presented by Castle.
Additionally, Participant agrees (please check each box):
Items Not Allowed In The Room: Personal belongings (such as cell phones, keys, wallets, purses, jackets, etc.), food, drinks, & weapons of any kind are not allowed in the room. Participant will secure personal items in the lockers provided
Restraints: Participant will be restrained in the room with handcuffs and asked to place a light, cloth hood over their head just prior to entering the escape room (please tell us now if this is an issue).
Climbing: Do not climb or hang on anything in the room. No puzzle or clue requires you to climb up to complete.
Forcing Objects: Do not use force on anything in the rooms. If you attempt to move, open, or access something and it does not respond easily, it is not meant to be interacted with in the way you are trying to manipulate it. Everything that needs to move, open, or be accessed will do so easily once you figure it out.
Out Of Game Items: Electrical Outlets, Lights, Speakers, Cameras, & Sprinklers are NOT PART OF THE GAME. Do not touch these items. Most of these are marked with FLUORESCENT ORANGE paint or tape.
Financial Liability: Participant will be held financially responsible for damage that comes as a result from breaking any of these rules
Spoilers: Please do not spoil the game for other potential players by revealing secrets about the game to others that have not gone through the room yet.
Applicable Law
This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Utah in Salt Lake County and any applicable Federal Law.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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